Season 17 Teams

Name (Captain)LogoSeed
4 Shibbers and a Woofer (Predict)240
All My Losses Was Lessons (TheMantis)212
Chloe with a Glock (Dark)147
Davai & Conquer (Keikaku)183
Fuck Burrahobbit (Burrahobbit)203
Gachi Apache (Leoj)131
Gachi Griefed Us (Huntington)218
George's Boy Toys (George)303
Green Crack (StonedSpirit)102
Hungle Juskar (FlyingNightmare™)172
King RetARds Baby! (ultr4num1fan)69
Level 10000 Ceb (Jabinskiz)196
MGHappyhobo (MGHappyhobo)220
Mags Protects Four (Skater_x7)151
Miso's Human +4 (Cerys)53
NO, JUST NO... (doofgod)128
Narté- Parté (Narté-)140
No High Fives (Clueless)82
OwO (aeos)202
RIP BonerKing (JonSquid)131
SMACKTRICKZ (ButteryGreg)291
Smiley Face (UltraGunner)242
Society for the Welfare of Enlightened Robots (BoX)302
Steven's Worldwide Apology Tour (steven)63
Tea Plantation (Clare ❤ Teresa)245
The Island of Misfit Boys (RIP.Castro)136
Train Gang (ChowMains (3k btw))92
Truckwaffle (Truckwaffle)325
mia khalifa fan club (Crypt1c)312
snap traps (ForTheSwarm)208
spidez far from home (kiyotaka)321