Season 15 PST-FRI (FLEX) Stand-ins

#NameAvatarRankDotabuff / OpendotaStatement
80Dotabuff / OpenDotaPos 1/3/2 free…Pos 1/3/2 free agent.
80Dotabuff / OpenDotaWell basically…Well basically I have been playing party for the past 6+ months so I do not think my solo mmr is truly representative of my skill level. I available to play Fridays at any hour after 6 and depending on what I'm doing on the weekend I may be able to play on Saturday and Sunday. Other days are complicated but you can always ask; there is a chance I'll be free. I don't understand how this league thing works but I'll only be participating in this so there's that.
80Dotabuff / OpenDotaaka garda…aka garda versatile player looking to play some games
75Dotabuff / OpenDotaUsed to play…Used to play AD2L season 2-4, then played local tournaments in South California. Stuck around 5100-5400 MMR since I played casually and just for fun. Looking a way to improve and I believe that RD2L would benefit me as well as my ability to lead my team as a captain. I usually play battlecup, recently won but most of the time we place 2nd.
71Dotabuff / OpenDota
63Dotabuff / OpenDota
61Dotabuff / OpenDotaMid/carry…Mid/carry player, but comfortable with anything.
54Dotabuff / OpenDota
53Dotabuff / OpenDotaI'm available…I'm available at playing mid and safelane hc and Im really good at it. I think im ready to expose myself to tournaments and Im really interested about it. Would put time and effort just to get in some teams. If im about to make, this is my first tournament except battle cup that dota plus made.
10Just here to learn Spanish
51Dotabuff / OpenDota
42Dotabuff / OpenDotaPst-SUN. Stand…Pst-SUN. Stand in.