Season 32 EST-SUN Stand-ins

#NameAvatarRankDotabuff / OpendotaStatement
75Dotabuff / OpenDotaSUPPORT THIS…SUPPORT THIS SEASON 4/5 - FTB certified
71Dotabuff / OpenDota
65Dotabuff / OpenDotame standin only
4light orange
62Dotabuff / OpenDotaDon't draft me…Don't draft me if you're a bigot or otherwise a weird edgy gamer. Prefer to play pos 1 or 3. Can play support if needed, but I may or may not practice much in pubs. I'm also willing to draft but a higher mmr player should do it instead.
44Dotabuff / OpenDotait's gains.…it's gains. mentioning now that my discord name includes a period at the end. played rd2l season 15/16, open as a free agent for sundays. i'm a support player and i primarily play things like lich, disruptor, dazzle, lion, and rarely a mid zeus.
0Dotabuff / OpenDotamost comfortabl…most comfortable with pos1-3
0Dotabuff / OpenDotaMy schedule is…My schedule is pretty flexible, but would like adequate notice. I prefer to play 2 or 1.
0Dotabuff / OpenDota… Returning player, long time support player, but my preference would be to play 1.
0Dotabuff / OpenDota
0Dotabuff / OpenDotame considero un…me considero un jugador tranquilo y con buena expericia